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An Outlier Detection Using Autoencoder for Ocean Observation Data
Hyeon-Jae Kim, Dong-Hoon Kim, Chaewook Lim, Youngtak Shin, Sang-Chul Lee, Youngjin Choi, Seung-Buhm Woo
J Korean Soc Coast Ocean Eng. 2021;33(6):265-274.   Published online December 31, 2021
doi: https://doi.org/10.9765/KSCOE.2021.33.6.265
                           Cited By 1
Simulation of the Ocean Circulation Around Ulleungdo and Dokdo Using a Numerical Model of High-Resolution Nested Grid
Daehyuk Kim, Hong-Ryeol Shin, Min-bum Choi, Young-Jin Choi, Byoung-Ju Choi, Gwang-Ho Seo, Seok-Jae Kwon, Boonsoon Kang
J Korean Soc Coast Ocean Eng. 2020;32(6):587-601.   Published online December 31, 2020
doi: https://doi.org/10.9765/KSCOE.2020.32.6.587
Short-Term Variability Analysis of the Hf-Radar Data and Its Classification Scheme
Youngjin Choi, Ho-Kyun Kim, Dong-Hwan Lee, Kyu-Min Song, Dae Hyun Kim
J Korean Soc Coast Ocean Eng. 2016;28(6):319-331.   Published online December 31, 2016
doi: https://doi.org/10.9765/KSCOE.2016.28.6.319
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